
Norfolk has a strong sense of identity and place. With a mix of urban, rural and coastal communities, each place has its own character, distinctiveness and needs, reflecting Norfolk’s rich cultural heritage. NCC believes that, by building on the county’s identity, size, scale and influence, it can play a significant and strategic role in delivering growth, opportunities and good quality of life across Norfolk. It has a headcount of 9000, with 7000 FTE across:

Gross Revenue Budget for 2021/2022 is £1.518 bn

Like many public sector organisations, the next few years for Norfolk County Council will be framed in the context of pandemic recovery, significant financial challenge and a wide-ranging agenda for change. But it is also a context of opportunity and ambition with the council’s long term aspirations remaining unchanged as they continue to lead recovery, build resilience and develop a stronger, fairer, more inclusive and sustainable future for Norfolk.